Let’s get cozy together this Holiday Season!

$30 monthly membership that you can cancel ANYTIME!

The winter season is a time for slowing down, enjoying the fruits of the sunny seasons, resting and reflection.

It’s a time:

  • for sinking deep into our crafts and sharing in front of our fires.

  • to feel, play, sleep and reflect.

  • for small rituals and meaning making. 

  • to grieve and enjoy our blessings.

Busyness & Chaos

Modern holidays in late stage capitalism demand impossible social media standards, and glorify spending in a time when the cost of living has risen. It keeps busy and distracted, with all the baking, planning, shopping, spending. It’s an intentional recipe for failure that pulls us into an endless loop that serves capitalism and really doesn’t serve us at all.

There’s no time to reflect and rest in the capitalist holiday calendar; no time to build resilience to remain grounded when the people around us might not feel that way , set boundaries, or find contentment in the slow season of darkness. We end up tired, depleted, and often broke. Not exactly that Norman Rockwell scenario we strive to recreate.

Here is your invitation...

To step out of the cycle together this season. Give yourself the gift of time to remember what really calls to YOU at this time, and allow space to create it over the next month..

Kin Keepers’ Haven

We have created a space in the Kin Keepers’ Haven for you to set intentions, come back to your body, honor grief, and find belonging over the holidays; a space to share ideas about how we can celebrate and honor this sacred time of the year with joy; a space to create and practice small rituals, co-regulation and connection; a space to support the way you want to feel through all the season.

Meet your Hosts

Janine and Trevia are excited to welcome you to our sanctuary to co-create this space together.

  • Janine Bertolo (she/her)

    Living on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishanaabe People, colonially renamed Gatineau, Quebec, Canada.

    I’m an anti-capitalist crone, certified post trauma growth coach, and political junkie who helps humans to identify and unlearn the voices of systemic oppression that are planted in our brains from an early age. I long for a world where all living beings have equal access to the necessities of life, including laughter, rest, creativity, and joy. My dog is pretty cute too. I love books, art, birdwatching, and prowling the countryside with my love.





  • Trevia (TREE-va) Woods (she/her)

    Living on the traditional land of the Eno, Tutelo, Saponi, Occaneechi, Shakori, and the Tuscarora past and present, colonially renamed Hillsborough, North Carolina, USA.

    I’m a mixed-race woman who has two decades of experience in bodywork, education and community-building. Trevia supports people in unpacking cultural appropriation, community building, as well as helping Culture Makers gift the world with their knowledge, lived experience and wisdom so not only they, but their clients can thrive.



    About Trevia




What’s included

Over the month of December we have planned gatherings to:

  • explore our values and intentions for the coming month. 

  • set intentions

  • honor and any grief, and let it move through us

  • share experiences

  • body double to craft and cook

  • share our holiday traditions with one another in our online container. (Trevia will be sharing her Yule traditions) 

  • and close the season with reflection and intention setting for the New Year

With full permission to participate and opt out of any and all activities to honor your capacity.

The Details:  

  • Weekly calls on Wednesdays at 12pm & 7pm EST. First call is Dec 6th. Last call for New Year intention setting is on Jan 3rd; calls will be recorded and available for viewing throughout the month.

  • At least two body doubling sessions most likely on Saturdays to craft and cook something we want to bring into our season. 

  • You will have access to the Kin Keepers’ Haven to share and learn together in our online container hosted by Mighty Networks. 

  • With a founding member’s investment of $30 monthly in your country’s currency (priced with joy and justice to honor your cost of living)

  • You can cancel anytime

We look forward to seeing you in the Kin Keepers’ Haven Intentional Holiday space!

We are creating a co-creating a space that centers healing from misogyny and working towards a future where we can have spaces that can include all people without harm.

This is multigenerational transformation. This is a brave space for those who have been most harmed by misogyny to do the work of reclaiming our authenticity and dismantling all forms of oppression.

Do you identify as a cisgendered man? Please email us at kinkeepershaven@gmail.com with other options to work with us one on one.

What happens in 2024?

Beginning in the New Year, we will be rolling out modules and offerings designed to support your nervous system, unlearn capitalism, and foster connections including spaces to:

  • Honor Your Ancestry and Lineage (hosted by Trevia)

  • Become Self-Centred by untangling the voices of capitalism from your authentic voice with trauma-informed teachings and somatic practices (hosted by Janine)

  • Support each other in moving through grief (cohosted by Trevia and Janine)

  • Step into your agency and power as an elder in the Caucus of Crones (hosted by Janine and open to members aged 50 and over)

And more as we move through a slow yes and follow the breadcrumbs together.

Let’s co-create a new way of honoring the Holiday Season together.